File Information
- Submitted: Feb 21 2013 06:39 PM
- Last Updated: Feb 21 2013 06:39 PM
- File Size: 3.1MB
- Views: 12728
- Downloads: 3,016
Download PNG 520 - Phase Equilibria in Crude Oil and Gas
8 Votesphase equilibriua crude oil gas separation
Another extremely valuable resource compiled by Art Montemayor. Art spent countless hours compiling the work of Dr. Michale Adewumi as he presents his course of phase equilibria. We've made the course material available in both MS Word and PDF formats so that everyone should be able to utilize this fantastic resource. Art's abbreviated description is below:
"Dr. Michale Adewumi at Penn State has put his course on crude oil and gas phase equilibria and separation on a website. It is called PNG 520 and is an excellent example of practical, down-to-earth thermodynamics as it applies to phase equilibria."
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