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  • Submitted: Dec 09 2010 03:24 PM
  • Last Updated: Dec 09 2010 03:24 PM
  • File Size: 96KB
  • Views: 91226
  • Downloads: 16,381

Download Pipe Size Optimization for Carbon and Stainless Steel Pipes

* * * * - 22 Votes

This simple spreadsheet will calculate the most economical pipe diameter for a system based on flowrate, fluid density, and fluid viscosity. The sheet is to be used for turbulent flow in carbon or stainless steel pipes. Both Excel 2007 and later and pre-2007 Excel version available. Requires Solver to be installed.

Disclaimer: All software provided "As-Is" with no warranty, expressed or implied, available. See our Terms of Use for more information.

very usefull
I've looked everywhere on this site and can't find a location to download "Solver". This spreadsheet obviously doesn't work without it. At least list a source for the accompanying program when you list one that requires another.
Chris Haslego
May 12 2011 12:58 PM
Good comment. Solver ships with MS Excel. Here's a link to help with instructions on how to activate it:

Software is very usefull
Click on calculate button,
"1004 run time error" message how do I resolve this?
Chris Haslego
Aug 22 2011 07:18 AM
Make sure solver is active and that you are allowing macros to run in Excel (check your security settings)
Sep 16 2011 04:21 PM
Sep 23 2011 09:48 AM
Sorry to insist !! It is not useful. How can you calculate optimum diameter forgetting pipe length !!! Optimum diameter is different when you project has 10 feet than 1000 feet. Sorry.
Chris Haslego
Sep 25 2011 08:40 AM

Sorry to insist !! It is not useful. How can you calculate optimum diameter forgetting pipe length !!! Optimum diameter is different when you project has 10 feet than 1000 feet. Sorry.

You can see the introduction sheet for reference information on the method presented.
Thanks Admin..... cheers

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