Dear Members,
Good Evening.
We need to modify 8" inlet nozzle distribution header of a 3-phase separator for below details-
Oil = 15000 bopd (Sp. Gravity-0.8)
Water = 5000 bwpd(Sp. Gravity- 1)
Gas = 0.6 mmscfd maximum (Mol. Wt. =26)
Op Pr. = 3 barg , inlet press. = 6 barg(in the upstream of inlet flow control valve)
Op. Temp. = 80°C
Vessel ID = 2780 mm
Vessel TT length = 10000 mm
weir height = 1400 mm (at 7600 mm length from inlet side),No Boot
I know inlet distribution header type is very specific type of design which totally controls the separation efficiency of separator but we are in kind of hurry to internally modify with the best standard solution available in-house.
I want to know the best standard design available (e.g.-vane type,half cut-pipe with reflector plate etc.) which will serve the purpose till we get the solution from the vendor.
If any literature available on selection/design criteria for inlet nozzle,please let me know.