there was a Excel page showing how to calculate properties in different zones I attach a copy, you can examine the VBA code for details,
Prode Properties can export flows or you can calculate from (molar) phase fractions and molar weights of different fractions, see this VBA example
PF = StrLf(Stream)
If (PF > 0.000001) Then ' Liquid present ?
mw = StrLMw(Stream)
Cells(rpt + I, 6) = W * PF * mw / mwm ' Liquid Flow
and so on...
you can calculate mixture properties (density, viscosity, thermal conductivity etc.) in different ways,
Prode Properties exposes methods StrGD, StrLD etc. (there are about 300 methods...)
in this Excel VBA example the procedure calculates vapor properties as
Cells(rpt + I, 14) = StrGMw(Stream)
Cells(rpt + I, 15) = StrGCp(Stream)
Cells(rpt + I, 16) = StrZv(Stream)
Cells(rpt + I, 17) = StrGD(Stream)
Cells(rpt + I, 18) = StrGV(Stream)
Cells(rpt + I, 19) = StrGC(Stream)
of course different variants are possible (many methods available),
you can solve many different Flash Operations with Prode Properties, in this case (heat exchanger simulation) the procedure solves a operation with specified P and H but different alternatives are possible
htcprops.xls 176.5KB