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Psv Outlet Temperature And Pressure

psv outlet temperature pressure psv relief device

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#1 rs20170808@gmail.com


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Posted 05 September 2020 - 09:18 PM

What should we consider for the PSV outlet temperature and pressure when sizing psv tailpipe.

Can we consider and isoenthalpic flash from relieving temperature & pressure to the backpressure at psv outlet? what would be reasonable assumption? what is criteria for psv tailpipe sizing


#2 PaoloPemi


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Posted 06 September 2020 - 01:04 AM

while you can estimate pressures from dp calcs in tailpipe, temperatures are (normally) below values predicted solving a H-P flash operation, see this thread




there are several procedures available and you can estimate a range of temperatures with software tools (see the thread for details),

I do not know if there is an accepted standard discussing this detail (apart the general discussion in API, ISO etc.)

Edited by PaoloPemi, 06 September 2020 - 01:05 AM.

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