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Vacuum Distillation

tray tower vacuum distillation process design packed column design procedure distillation separation unit operations

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#1 Mirzazada


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Posted 11 April 2021 - 07:28 AM

Hello everyone!
I am little bit confused about tower selection (tray or packed) for my vacuum distillation unit. I have read from many resources that Packed columns are favorable for vacuum applications. But none of them mentions a limiting value like “below x pressure packed column is a must”
I am designing a column where bottom pressure is around 70kPa and top pressure is around 51kPa. I want to know whether it is okay or not to use Tray Tower for this separation?
Thank you beforehand!

#2 breizh


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Posted 11 April 2021 - 08:29 AM


You may find pointers in the documents attached .

Hope this is helping you.


Edited by breizh, 11 April 2021 - 08:33 AM.

#3 SilverShaded


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Posted 14 April 2021 - 01:29 AM

Hello everyone!
I am little bit confused about tower selection (tray or packed) for my vacuum distillation unit. I have read from many resources that Packed columns are favorable for vacuum applications. But none of them mentions a limiting value like “below x pressure packed column is a must”
I am designing a column where bottom pressure is around 70kPa and top pressure is around 51kPa. I want to know whether it is okay or not to use Tray Tower for this separation?
Thank you beforehand!

Packed columns are favoured due to the lower pressure drop with packing than with trays, this means the pressure at the flash zone can be lower than with trays and therefore the amount of vaporisation at a given temperature is greater, giving better yields.  The difference between a few mmHg at low pressure is significant in terms of vaporisation, the same difference for an atmospheric column is negligible.

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