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Pressure Drop In Hx - Aspen Hysys

exchanger heat hx pressure drop hysys

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#1 A_D_M_MII


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Posted 10 June 2021 - 11:16 AM

Hi everyone,
I have the next doubt/question:
I have to simulate in Aspen Hysys V.10. a process which contains some HX that I have to simulate in his rigorous model, I have the pressure and temperature that currents should have because I have also the technic sheet which shows the orientated results of the implicated currents.
So, with my simulation I have to be near those results, but, there is one of them that it's impossible to achieve.
It is a shell and tube HX whose currents should be:
Tube IN: Demin water 5 kg/cm2g and 23ºC
Shell IN: Process gas that has already started to condensate water. 146 ºC and 25,3 kg/cm2g.
Tube out: Demin water 4,35 kg/cm2g and 95ºC
Shell out: Process gas that is condensating water yet. 126 ºC and 25,1 kg/cm2g.
BUT it is impossible to achieve the 25,1 kg/cm2g, the simulation has calculated that there is a pressure drop of 0,02 kg/cm2g, instead of 0,2 kg/cm2g.
I have put all the main parameters in his geometry, I have also put the impingement plate, but it always calculates the 0,02 kg/cm2g, has it any physic or chemical explication that justify this low value of pressure drop in order to say that this technic specificatión could be wrong?

Thank all of you!



#2 latexman


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Posted 10 June 2021 - 11:37 AM

Being off 0.18 kgf/cm2g out of 25.1 kgf/cm2g (0.7%) is not worth worrying about in the real world.

And, in Academia, someone may not have typed in a 0, as in 0.2 vs 0.02. Possibly easily explained by human error.

My 2 cents.

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