I am a Mechanical Engenieer brazilian student and I trying do design a project to my self as a way to improve my knowledge and I would like to know if someone could help me.
I am trying to desing a Thermoeletric system with a boiler, turbine, pumps, condensers and so on.
As a conceitual project, I designed a system using biogas.
I searched that the city I live produces 250.000 kg of trash per day, with 50% of it beeing organic, with 5.200 kg/h. I also searched that 1000 kg of organic trash produces 250 m³ of biogas and 1m³ of biogas generates 6 kwh. So it produces 7.800.000 J/s.
I saw a turbine that uses 1,275 MPa and 300ºC in the input and 6,25 KP in the output. So I think i need to heat the water at this preassure and temperature.
With 1,275 MPa, the saturated temperature is about 190ºC and the temperature in the boiler input is about 37ºC. So I used:
Q=MC(T1-T2), with 1 kg(of water) x 4184 x 153 = 640.152
Q = ML = 1 x 2.600.00 = 2.260.000
Q = 1 x 2010 x 110.= 221.100
to know the massic flow I did: 7.800.000 J/s / 3.121.252 J = 2.5 Kg/s = 9010 kg/h
Is that correct? Is this way to calculate correct?
Now Im trying to design the pipe. It has 250 m. With valves, conections, it has 304,1m. For the pressure loss, I have to know the coefficient of friction, To know it I have to know the Reynold number e for that I have to know the cinematic viscovisity, Is there a table or other way where I can find the the cinematic viscovisty of the superheated steam at 300º and 1,275 MPA? Is there another equation I can use to find the pressure loss in the pipe?
After, I will try to calculate the thermal loss in the pipe. Where I can find the convective coeficient of the superheated steam at 300º and 1,275 MPA?
Is there a number that I can use as the accurate eficience of the boiler (I know that the boiler have a efficience)?
Thanks a lot.